A warm welcome to all the lovely families that have opened their homes and their hearts to adopt one of our beautiful furbabys.

We would especially like to thank each and everyone of you,
because you did not just accept the unsubstantiated and vile lies that were falsely levelled against us,
but used common sense and made your own determination, and for that we would like to thank you.

Nate Bartlett Franchisee Harvey Norman Wangaratta, Victoria

Thank you for the arrival of our little prince. One very happy family are so stoked. He is HUGE.

Date: 2016-01-20 19:06:37

… you are legit and not a con women.

Date: 15/01/2016

Nate Bartlett: Franchisee Harvey Norman Wangaratta, Victoria

Storm was of course DNA verified as a Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann & was also confirmed vWD non-affected & DCM clear by DNA.

This is how Storm looked only days before he left our care, compared to the sad photo provided by Nate Bartlett, after Storm was in his care.

I can see you mummy.

Nate Bartlett
Franchisee Harvey Norman Wangaratta, Victoria

Paul Hetherington of IN2K9 K9 Behaviour Specialist

Paul Hetherington’s comment in reference to a photo of “Dior”, one of our previous Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann pups.

The photo was of a Doberman pup in prime condition large frame with a huge carriage and stance. A very short bobtail about 1.5 to 2 inches. This pup was beautiful and strong in stance, I admire the photographers to get such a young puppy to stand so still and in perfect form.” 23/06/2016

As described by K9 Behaviour Specialist Paul Hetherington of IN2K9:-

Dior was of course DNA verified as a Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann & was also confirmed vWD non-affected & DCM clear by DNA.

Darkashadows Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann Pup

I’m so pretty, I’m so pretty; hey look no tail!

Paul Hetherington

Dr Paws Veterinary Clinic Wangaratta

Comments made by Dr Paws Veterinary Clinic Wangaratta, upon Vet Checking “Storm”, one of our Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann’s.
excellent eater, will slow down if told to do so (good manners and a great calm family dog…” 13/02/2016
Storm was of course DNA verified as being a Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann. DNA also confirmed he was vWD Non affected & DCM clear.
Candace Kovacevic & Mandy Lugsdin
Dr Paws Veterinary Clinic Wangaratta

M.M Townsville QLD

Indeed ranger is a very big boy now and I am still so thankful to have him.

Hopefully you can see the photos I have attached! He is very photogenic haha.

You were right when you said getting photos of Ranger is hard haha, please find attached some photos I took of him today

Ranger is amazing, everyone who meets him is in awe of his beautiful nature and how well bred he is. He had his last round of vaccines today and weighed in at 18.5kg! He’s a very big boy haha

Ranger went in on Monday for his appointment and the Veterinarian had previously owned Dobermans, she was in awe of how well bred he was and said that he must have come from a very solid bloodline, and that his feet were huge HAHA. He was extremely well behaved

Still can not get over how perfect he is.

Ranger is awesome! We all love him so much and I am in awe of his looks and temperament, and he has obviously be raised in a loving and caring environment.26/08/2019

Yes Ranger has indeed arrived!! He is gorgeous and perfect and everything that i wanted and more, can’t thank you enough for this. He is fitting in perfectly already playing with both the cat and dog.


M.M Townsville
'Ranger' Darkashadows Registered & Pedigreed Dobermann

E.L Adelaide S.A

I hope this finds you, your family and Dobermans all well 🙂 here are some pics of Zeeba, sorry one of the pics is upside down! She is a beautiful natured dog and we are really happy with her, thank you again.



E.L Adelaide S.A.
Zeeba, a Darkashadows Dobermann girl

J.B Adelaide S.A

Just thought I’d touch base to let you know that Rupert’s doing brilliantly and is such a wonderful part of the family. He’s a once in a life time dog.


J.B. Adelaide S.A

T.H. Brisbane QLD

First night in his new home. “Sam slept on a blanket beside our bed last night“.

T.H Brisbane QLD
'Sam' Darkashadows ANKC Registered Dobermann

A & M. Brisbane QLD

And we are hoping to go on the next Dobie walk on 26th September so will be sure to send pics if we do go.

I have attached some more pics of our beautiful Tiaha so you can see how happy and healthy she is

Take care during this crazy time and keep in touch.

Hey!!! Deeva is stunning!!! How lucky she gets to play with the cats that are not much smaller than her!!!!


Oh my heart!!! Is that one of Tiaha’s nieces? She is absolutely gorgeous! … We (and Tiaha) started training last week and she loves it – as do we!!
She is so clever and definitely still very quirky!!! Still have a long way to go with her but it’s a lot of fun. I miss Tiaha so much when I am at work – sad, I know!!

Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann Pup

No need to tell me, I know I’m cute! Just like my Aunty Tiaha.


Hi Bert and Karin,

Here are some pics of Tiaha from today’s Doberman walk…. we didn’t get to meet any of her siblings but there were 12 other Dobies there….it was a great meet up and we will do it again.

Hope you are both well.

It has been a while since we shared some pics of our beautiful Tiaha who turned 2 last week!! I have also included a great pic of her with her best friend, Shakira the Rotty.

Tiaha is such a character – makes us laugh all the time!! Still quite uncoordinated which is too funny.

We are meeting up with our Doberman walk in a few weeks and maybe meeting some siblings or cousins of Tiaha so will send some of those pics to you.

I hope you are both well and staying warm!! Keep in touch

Hi Karin and Bert,

Wanted to give you an update on Tiaha – we are so proud of her and how well she has become part of our family!! She has a new doggy friend (Shakira, the Rottweiler) and has been on a few play dates and walks with her – she still doesn’t love the lead!!
Tiaha has visited our local produce store and met new people and she did so well!!! She loves to run and play with her toys (very spoilt girl) and then come for cuddles… she gets along so well with our friends probably because she gets spoilt rotten!!! She has the most beautiful nature and temperament – you should be very happy with the puppy you have raised.

Hi Bert & Karen,

A quick update on our gorgeous Tiaha…. I am so grateful for her…. I love hearing M*** talk to her as if she were one of our children and watch the bond they share. She is just a beautiful, quirky soul who we are so lucky has come into our life…. we love her with all our heart and do not like leaving her when we go to work…. although, the kisses, cuddles and snuggles at the end of the day help!!

Hey Bert,
I’ve attached a picture of Tiaha on her visit to the beach recently – she is gaining so much more confidence with the water and it’s so much fun to take her out!


Hey Guys,
A quick update on Tiaha…. she has bright so much happiness and love into our lives! As much as my husband would love another male Doberman he has realised that another female would fit so much better!
Tiaha is such a sweetheart with other female dogs- loves to play and a great leader!!
We have connected (through a Doberman FB page) with other people who have purchaesed your pups and am planning to visit them – thank you x
So  in the future, if you have another female, please let us know – tail or minimal tail 😊. She is fabulous and we are grateful 💜.
Take care and talk soon.

Hi Karin & Bert,

A quick update on our gorgeous Tiaha – she is still giving us so much joy and happiness! We have been taking her to our friends place (to visit her BFF – Shakira, the Rottweiler) and trying to encourage her into the pool – she doesn’t love water!!! We are hoping to take her to the beach in the next few weeks. She is so good at telling us when something is happening around here – when our neighbours get home, when they are in their yard etc! We recently got new security doors with a built in dog door so are training her to use it – She is so funny, barking at it to try and open it!!! We try and include her in our life as much as we can because we love being with her as much as she loves being with us. Again, thank yu for allowing Tiaha into our lives.

We hope you are both well, wish you a Merry Christmas, and hope we may be able to extend our Dobie family in the future.

video of Tiaha trying to boss our Miniature Pinscher , Ahlila, around!!! Ahlila is about 11 years old and lets Tiaha know who is boss around here!!!

Tiaha is actually very gentle with the little kids although, just wats to play with them – she doesn’t realise she weighs around 25kg and they weigh 5kg and under!!!


Hi Karin and Bert, I have attached a pic of Tiaha on the eve of her first birthday! She has been doing so well, meeting lots of new people and going for long walks….

Tiaha is so cheeky, hilarious and uncoordinated. She makes us laugh so much!! She loves her toys and loves to demolish them!! We just love being with her.

At home with the perfect family

Tiaha is such a good girl. She has been in the yard without the lead for the last two days and been so very good – staying near us and not venturing far at all.

She met some new people last night and within 20 minutes was quite relaxed and with an hour was giving bops with her nose! She attended Dawn Service at the end of our drive way and was so well behaved. She met more people.

We have started some basic training with her and she is so smart!!“Thank you again – we are so lucky that she has settled so well and we just love her to bits.

M****** and Tiaha had a little nana nap on the way and have bonded very well….. “Thank you for trusting us with her- she is gorgeous!


A & M. Brisbane QLD
"Tiaha" Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann Girl

A.C. Adelaide S.A

Iv just gotten home with him Thankyou. 
He is so cute. I love him.
A.C. Adelaide S.A
'Thor' Darkashadows Dobermann

C.M. Bendigo Victoria

So excited an glad we found (you)
Truly amazing beautiful (dad) boss 
I’m speechless on how professional an how it’s all about the kids/pups 
Well done a true credit to you an all your hard work an devotion to be able to offer such an amazing service” 07/08/2020
C.M. Bendigo Victoria

M.S Sydney NSW

Thanks for your understanding and professionalism Bert.
Really appreciate it.


M.S Sydney NSW

L.B Gladstone QLD

First of all, Lola is perfect, she is everything plus more then what we expected, she is just beautiful.


L.B Gladstone QLD

B & K. H. Sydney NSW

Tyson very happy, working on his recall and walking with a lead. Just loves swimming and playing with other dogs big or small. He is so close with my daughter B*****- she feels safe with him


Hes such a good boy, loves running free in the parks, will walk with the lead, though trys biting it. he chases anything he can. A really intelligent dog and learns quickly



Oh so sorry, we are in school holiday mode and totally caught up with loving Tyson. I will get the paperwork to you today or tomorrow. Hes a good boy, very smart and attends puppy school… He lives his crate and keeps all his toys there and any shoes he can find that arent put away!

Tyson is very cute and well behaved he gets crazy at times too

“We have named him Tyson.

He joins a puppy school with B***** this Sunday, though he is already so well behaved and seems relaxed and happy.  You’ve done such a great job and we love him so much already”

We got the puppy at 9:15 this morning and he’s so well behaved. He’s currently taking a big nap !! Thankyou so much for everything.

Hi Bert

We are just so excited and can’t wait to meet our little man tomorrow. We have his cage, bed, toys, food – everything you have suggested all set up ready. We will send you photos and this paperwork signed. thank you so much for all you have done.

Thank you so much Bert, what a wonderful life you must have, so pleased to hear what a delight this boy is.  I hope you realise what a massive service you are doing for the community providing these gorgeous pups. Itys really appreciated.

Omg he is adorable !! Thankyou so much

B & K. H. Sydney NSW
'Tyson' Darkashadows ANKC Registered & Pedigreed Dobermann Pup

J.J Sydney NSW

Thank you for your email. She is beautiful.


“Krypto” Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann Boy

He has arrived safe and sound. Thank you,  he is beautiful.  I will send you a photo of him soon .

Thank you, we love him already.

Here is the start of unbreakable bond. My son is in love with his new brother.



J.J Sydney NSW


First off, I would like to thank you. The pup is gorgeous … got her home, she is safe just getting used to everything, smelling everything and very curious,
have given her some food and access to water, have had a bit of play and just chewing on a few different toys, just about getting ready for bed.

She seems to have gotten used to the crate quite quickly, just sat with her infront of it, Have a blanket with mine and her smell on it from the car trip home. Haven’t gone to the toilet yet, when I took her outside a couple times all she wanted to do was play. … Has seemed to settled in quite nicely, she is sleeping now as I am writing to you


Arya Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann Girl

Arya having a well deserved nap.

Thank you
She is absolute gorgeous


Arya Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann Girl

Don’t I just look pretty.

Arya Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann Girl

S.N Brisbane QLD

Hi Bert and Karin,

Just thought I’d email with an update now that Enid has turned the big 1! I hope all her siblings are doing as well as my girl.

Enid has overtaken Zelda in weight (she’s already 34 kg, and Zel is only 32 kg) but is still very much a baby at heart – she loves cuddles, always stays close to me when we’re out and about, and NEVER stops talking. I’ve attached some photos of our recent adventures around Brisbane – practically impossible to get a photo with the girls looking at me when there’s other more interesting things to investigate. Much easier to get a photo of them during their post-adventure naps!

Zelda and Enid spend a lot of time playing together in the rough and noisy way only Dobermanns can, and trying out their Doberstalking skills on unwitting birds, each other, me. Unfortunately we lost my beautiful Greyhound, Cav, at the end of last year, and Zelda was very unsettled for a while without him. Now she’s figured out she’s the boss and has become very protective if any other dogs show too much interest in little Ned. Whenever we are somewhere off-lead, the girls stick close together like a little Dobie gang.

I feel so lucky to have the pair of sweet-natured, healthy, tough Dobie girls that I have with Zel and Ned. Zel is almost 4 now and she’s brave and athletic, whereas Enid is more cautious and very cheeky, but both the girls are deeply loyal and have excellent instincts for guarding. I couldn’t have asked for a better pair.

Hi Karin,

Everybody’s doing well. Both the girls are living their best lives, even if that means chaos for the rest of us. I should have named them Havoc and Mayhem, if I’d only known! Enid is getting very tall very quickly and she’s already 28kg. That doesn’t stop her from sitting on everybody for cuddles – only Zelda won’t let her get away with that. I’ve attached some recent clips.

No certificate for Zelda’s achievement yet, though I think we may be collecting this at the next lure coursing meet in November. Now that Enid is over 6 month she can do a puppy run at the event to see if she’s got the same chasing instincts. It’s a much shorter course just to see if pups/first-timers will follow the bag. Not sure how Enid will go – she’s more into chasing Zelda – but we can have a go.



Hello again,

This is our first year being involved in the Battle of the States so I’m not sure if we receive anything for winning our breed category – if so, it’ll probably come via our lure coursing club. At this point all we have are the published results, which I am also letting everybody know about. And the photos from the event which I sent you a little while back. I’m so proud of Zel, she’s a phenomenal athlete. She doesn’t know what I’ve been cheering about but she doesn’t say no to the extra treaties she got as a celebration!

Definitely excited to see what Enid will grow up and show an interest in. And if she keeps chasing after Zelda she’s bound to be a contender for future Battle of the States sprint competitions. We shall see!

Hello again Karin and Bert,

It’s official, Zelda is the fastest Dobermann at Battle of the States for 2023!! She did her 100m sprint in 8.26 second, beating the 4 other registered Dobermanns in the competition.

Just another example of the superb breeding of these Darkashadows girls – Zelda is supremely athletic and it’s magic to see her run. The way Enid copies everything Zelda does, maybe we’ll have 2 girls placing in this competition in the future?? Who knows!

Hi Karin,

Fantastic to see a photo of one of Enid’s siblings! She’s got a sharp little nose, it actually reminds me of Zelda a bit.

Enid is turning out to be quite the chunky little girl – she’s already 24kg – very different to how Zelda was a string bean for so long. Zelda is a consistent 31 kg whenever we visit the vet so I suspect Enid will outweigh her before too long. Enid has already lost most/all of her puppy teeth so she’s trying out her adult teeth by chomping people on the bottom and then running away. I’m very much hoping she grows out of this party trick soon because her little croc teeth are just as unpleasant as her little baby shark teeth were. I’ve attached a few photos of Enid with her siblings and a short clip of Enid on one of our bushwalks to a nearby quarry. Enid is quite adventurous… if Zelda is nearby to show her what’s what…

In other news, Perth recently completed their 100m sprint trials for 2023 so it shouldn’t be too long until the Battle of the States 100m Sprint competition results are released and we find out whether Zelda is one of, or maybe THE, fastest Dobie in Australia for 2023. I’m keeping all my fingers and toes crossed! Zelda won’t know or care what it means, but I’m excited!

Speak again soon,



Hi Bert and Karin,

Just wanted to let you know Zelda competed in her first 100m sprint trials today, getting 8.42 seconds on her first run then 8.26 seconds for her second run. I’ve attached a video of her second run, and you can see when she really engages the boosters. The sand she kicks up in the catching pen at the end is also an indication of how fast she was tracking. The greyhounds today had scores of 5 or 6 seconds, so I’m pretty amazed at Zel’s speed.
This competition is nationwide – Battle of the States 100m Sprints – so we find out in October if Zel is the fastest Dobie in Australia. Either way, I won’t try to outrun her with a lamp chop!

In Enid news, she’s a real softy and very different from Zelda! She steals shoes and socks, doesn’t care about chasing a ball at all, and can fall asleep in seconds without having to suck on a toy for 20 minutes. They’re chalk and cheese… except for their shared love of food and a bush walk! Enid pretty much follows Zelda everywhere which annoys Zelda sometimes, and we’re still working on sharing (Zel) and biting (Enid) but they’re good girls with sweet temperaments and strong, healthy bodies – a credit to you both.


Hi Bert and Karin,

Going well so far! Zelda loves to play and after some initial hesitation, Enid seems to be getting into the swing of things.

Lovely to see you again this morning and have another Darkashadows girl in my family.

Zelda has always been a healthy, happy little girl and my vet has never had any issues with her being desexed from a young age, so I don’t foresee any problems there.

I was thinking I would call this little girl Enid, after Enid Blyton – lots of adventures in store for this little girl too.

I absolutely agree about the beautiful nature of your dogs, and it seems a bonus that Zelda and this new puppy would actually be family. The puppy is just beautiful, and if she isn’t already claimed, I would like to adopt her.

Hi Bert and Karin,

Yep, this is me!

Zelda is now working towards her Lure Courser of Merit title, and finding it much easier to run in the cooler weather. There’s also a 100m sprint event coming up that will list her in the Battle of the States sprint competition. I’m keen to see just how fast she can go in a straight line!

Hello again Bert,

Just wanted to give you a quick update – Zelda gained her first lure coursing title with the Qld Lure Coursing Association Inc. She’s officially a Lure Coursing Field Champion, and loves the sport, so I’m sure this won’t be her last moment of glory.

“Hi Bert,
In September 2020, I purchased one of your beautiful little pups – Lady Tayla, now known as Zelda.
She’s over 2 years old now, and still one of the sweetest and happiest dogs I’ve ever had the pleasure of owning.
I’m emailing to let you know she’s also quite the action dog! Earlier this year she participated in a trail run – 11km and she could have gone a second lap (which we might do next year).
And last weekend we attended a lure coursing event for the first time. Zelda received first place in her group, and the highest score of the day – 178/200 for her two runs.
I’ve attached a video of her first run – she loves the chase, and was even faster on her second run later in the day.

Thank you again for breeding such physically and socially beautiful dogs – Zel is perfect, and the sole reason I barely contain myself from getting another pup
(which I see you have available – I must walk away!!). 😁”

Zelda attending her first lure coursing event. Congratulations on getting First Place in her group and highest score of the day.

“I’m just emailing to send you an update on Zelda – formerly known as Lady Tayla. She’s settled in to my home very well, and enjoys playing with her toys and harrassing my 7-year-old Greyhound for as much of the day as possible. She still enjoys some cuddles, especially at the end of a long day, and I’m making the most of it before she’s too big to hang on to.
Zelda is also very clever – she already walks well on a lead and knows a few commands. Unfortunately, everything she knows goes out the window when she sees a magpie and she just wants to chase them.
Thank you for breeding and raising a Doberman with such a healthy little body and beautiful temperament, I’m so glad I was able to snag the last puppy of the litter.

Hi Bert,

I have now shown the video to everybody I know, as well! I can’t believe she has grown so tall. Thank you for sending that to me.

Hi Bert,

Thank you so much for sending throught the photos – I’ve showed them to everybody I know!

Little Tayla is absolutely gorgeous, she’s grown so much, and looks like she’s quite a character. I can’t wait to pick her up soon.

Good evening Bert,

She’s gorgeous, thank you for sending through some photos! Beautiful colour markings.

S.N Brisbane QLD
'Zelda' and 'Enid' Darkashadows Registered Pedigreed Dobermanns

M.H Beerwah QLD

He is settling in well at the moment.
Not into dry food much, but I keep offering and he has a few.
Chicken he loves and puppy milk.
I took a great photo today of him playing with a toy duck 3 times his size 😂
I’ll send it when I get it off my camera.
He has been meeting new people, is really solid with noises even the vacuum cleaner he is not worried about.

Looking like he has always lived there.


You have bred a lovely, intelligent,  independent boy.
That already sits and fetches a ball.
Porter is not happy about the rest times though, hahahahaha

Porter imitating his Famous relative Coco/Dior by stacking like a champion.


I love him.
He looks stunning.
Thank your wife for me 😁

Porter 22 Days Old


M.H Beerwah QLD
Porter Tailed Dobermann Boy

M & B – Noosa Heads QLD

Thanks Bert. Here is a photo of her last night and just now (after eating). She is so cute.

Such a busy day, so tired

Have just had my fill of food, time for a quick nap with Dad and my new brother


M & B Noosa Heads QLD
Lola Tailed Dobermann Girl

L.G. Brisbane QLD

Hi Bert and Karin

Better late than never I guess…but happy new year from Dana (7yo now) and I! She’s
doing fabulously still, and is such a treasure to have ❣️.

Have attached a few of my favourite photos that I took in 2022.

Hope it’s been a good year for you!

Love from us

Hi Bert and Karin

MC and a HNY to you both! Was another wonderful year with Ellie and Dana…they grew massively in their confidence and had a wonderful year of lots of walks and camping adventures, etc. I’ve attached some photos for you ❤

Hi Karin and Bert

A belated Merry Christmas to you from Ellie, and Dana, and of course S**** and I!  They have fitted into the family so well this year and both send their love. xx
Hope you’ve managed to get through the tough year that was 2020!
Natural Born Bobtail Dobermanns

Ellie and Dana out for a walk with the family

Natural Born Bobtail Dobermanns

Santa’s helpers, Xmas 2020


Here’s some pics of this morning’s trip to the dog beach – it was packed with dogs being a hot day! The girls were quite nervous of the water at first, but we managed to get them to get their feet wet! Each visit I’m sure they’ll gain in confidence. They were very relaxed around the other dogs, which is such a nice change for us coming from two dobes who were hopeless around other dogs LOL! Right now they are outside munching on some bones and will probably have a snooze after that.

Anyway hope you’re having a good Sunday!

Thank you Karin! We were so happy to meet you both too, for so many reasons. Your dogs are beautiful on every level…would recommend you guys to anyone looking for doberman pups. You’ll have to send me your website sometime as I’m sure we’ll get people asking where they came from.

Hi Karin

Made it home safe. They were angels in the car. Now they have had a big drink and something to eat, and are running around the fenced pool area checking everything out! Not a great photo sorry as they won’t stand still haha 😀


L.G Brisbane QLD
Ellie and Dana Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann Girls

A.B. Tannum Sands QLD

Pep playing football in the yard on the weekend. She’s as lovely as ever


Dobermann playing football

Peppa trying out for the Maroons

Peppa having fun at the beach this afternoon.


Yes we think she’s very beautiful. We often get people commenting on her or stopping us when we are out walking because they want to ask about her.

Just out of interest – how much does Pep’s mum weigh? Peppa is just approaching 30kg.


Happy new year. Just a quick email to let you know that Pep is doing well.



Peppa just loves the beach

Pep has fast become our best friend. We couldn’t imagine life without her!She’s growing up fast – she was almost 22kg when I weighed her 2 wks ago. She’s very beautiful, people comment all the time on how shiny she is. She does really well, learns quickly. She tries hard to please. She loves her soft squeaky toys and hasn’t chewed any of them. She loves my parents Australian shepherd and has some play mates from puppy preschool that we play with on weekends at the beach. The beach is her favourite place, we go walking there every day. She likes to dig holes in the sand.




She’s settling in really well and has added a lot of fun and love to our lives. She’s growing and learning quickly and will start puppy pre school early next month after her final vaccination. It turns out that she is a great swimmer!


Thought we would send a few pics from her first afternoon with us. She’s fast asleep at the moment – it’s been a big day for a little pup!


Darkashadows Dobermann Pup

Peppa looking so smart

Darkashadows Dobermann Pup

I just love my toys


A.B. Tannum Sands QLD
Peppa Bobtail Dobermann

B & K. H. Sydney NSW

Tyson very happy, working on his recall and walking with a lead. Just loves swimming and playing with other dogs big or small. He is so close with my daughter B*****- she feels safe with him


B & K. H. Sydney NSW
Tyson Darkashadows Registered Pedigreed Dobermann

L.M. Melbourne Victoria

“I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for my beautiful loving boy Max….. he is my Shadow, my best friend by my side day & night …

he can’t wait till (my husband) gets home often waiting for him at the back door at the same time daily. Then follows him everywhere the minute he walks in the door.

He also adores my Son who has been here since Christmas. He often sleeps on his bed & they have their rough & tumble fun times together.
He is also great with his mates that come over & sometimes amazes us with how good he is with strangers ( you raised him well )

He sleeps in the lounge on his big comfy bed at night & also when he has his naps during the day. He is also happy to be outside during the day and never whines or winges.

He is so smart as it only took me one day to train him to sit & stay and wait for me to walk into the house first before giving him the command to enter ( only because I was scared he would bang into the glass sliding door he was so eager to run in ) Also taught him to let me walk up and down the stairs before him 

He makes me laugh as he stands by my side with his muzzle at my hip as I prepare his dinner …. he loves his food lol

He just loves running around in a huge paddock that we have secured for him he runs like crazy & is a joy to watch. He is so good with the sheep & cows as he zoooooms past them at incredible speed…..although they are trying to work out who Mad Max is, as we sometimes call him.

He is our big baby and makes us all laugh with his quirky personality.
At the beginning we couldn’t understand why he would turn around and lift his leg as though wanting to sit on us… we soon realized he loves a good scratch on his bottom lol
And boy does he become hypnotized when I give him a massage or groom him with a rubber brush.

Oh and he just loves the dog beach. He was a bit weary of the waves at first but soon forget all about them whilst chasing & playing with other dogs.

I just wanted you to know that you made the right choice in choosing us…..and that Max is very happy, healthy, spoilt and dearly loved here with us, now and forever. ( I knew he was ment for me the minute I saw him & couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to get him ) he has given us all so much joy!!!! Thank you 🙏”


Max Natural Born Bobtail DobermannMax Natural Born Bobtail DobermannMax Natural Born Bobtail DobermannMax Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann

“Hi Bert,

I’m already in love with Max ♥️

He is adorable & so affectionate. I’m so happy with him & he has a face to love forever.

I was surprised how instantly we bonded, I knew he was ment for me the moment I first saw your add 🙏

It’s now evening & I have been trying to send you this email but he has just settled down an hour ago now…. loves his new bed & it’s big enough for us both to lie on so we did & he fell asleep on me.

My husband walked in after work & Max was already instinctively protective of me… it took a good half hour to slowly introduce them & I suggested that hubby feed him tonight, then they were fine & hubby is also very fond of him.”


Max Natural Born Bobtail DobermannMax Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann



L.M. Melbourne Victoria
Max Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann

S.D. Canberra ACT

Bella has settled in nicely and is such a delight. She is eating and sleeping well and is so affectionate.

She cuddles up to us all and is getting plenty of attention from the whole family.
She is already going to do her business outside and as you know is very smart.

Today she grabbed her blanket out of the crate and positioned it to a warm sunny spot on the deck where she lied on top of for a nap!

She has slotted into our family nicely and is a welcomed addition. 
I’m now under pressure from the wife and children to get one for our very own exactly the same as Bella I’ve been told!

“She is absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for getting the crate organised and hopefully they reimburse you for them not providing the original.
She arrived safe and sound. She is very active and jumped all over us.
I wanted to thank you so much. You have provided happiness to our family with such a gorgeous pup!”

Bella 7 Weeks old


She is so cute!!! Thank you so much for taking the photos and sending them on.
S.D. Canberra ACT.
"Bella" Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann Girl

B.Q. Brisbane QLD

Dexter is settling in really well. He’s already learnt his name and “sit” and he’s making good progress on “stay” as well! He’s a smart boy!


Just letting you know that Dexter was such a good boy yesterday on the trip home. He and I quickly formed a bond on the drive home and he’s settled in so well. He was so well behaved in his crate last night. I got up every 3 hours and he peed in the back year within 5 – 10 seconds of me taking him out and he was quick to go back to sleep as well!

His temperament is so wonderful and he’s starting to take a liking to some of his toys too. He’s had no problem eating and drinking water and he’s peeing and pooping fine which is excellent. It’s crazy how quickly he’s settled into his new home!


B.Q. Brisbane QLD
"Dexter" Natural Bobtail Dobermann boy

D.G. Sunshine Coast QLD.

I am still so very keen to get a hold of one of your dogs. … That’s a beautiful looking dog.

No need to tell me, I know I’m cute!


D.G. Sunshine Coast QLD.

R & N. QLD

Just an update. Poshka fitting in beautifully here. Very calm confident pup. Has bonded really well with N****** and my wolfhound girl. They are best mates and having a ball playing together. Thanks again for letting her come to us.


"Poshka" one of our beautiful furbabys


Loving life and fully settled.


Blossom has had a great day settling into her new home. Lots of cuddles with our daughter!


"Blossom" with her new family.

S.D Canberra ACT

“you will definitely be my first contact when we are ready.

Here is a photo of Bella this morning. I think she has some growing to do to fill in her jacket! How cute!


Hi Bert and Karin.
I’ve been meaning to email you both and give you an update.

Bella has settled in nicely and is such a delight. She is eating and sleeping well and is so affectionate. She cuddles up to us all and is getting plenty of attention from the whole family. She is already going to do her business outside and as you know is very smart.

Today she grabbed her blanket out of the crate and positioned it to a warm sunny spot on the deck where she lied on top of for a nap!
She has slotted into our family nicely and is a welcomed addition.

I’m now under pressure from the wife and children to get one for our very own exactly the same as Bella I’ve been told!


She is absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for getting the crate organised and hopefully they reimburse you for them not providing the original.
She arrived safe and sound. She is very active and jumped all over us.
I wanted to thank you so much. You have provided happiness to our family with such a gorgeous pup!
I’m back at work but can’t wait to go to my parents this afternoon and get properly acquainted.
Take care and I’ll keep in touch with some photo’s.

Say a big thank you to Bert from us all too.


S.D Canberra ACT
"Bella" Natural Born Bobtail Dobermann girl.

D.A. Ashmore QLD

We simply cannot express our happiness and joy we experience everyday watching this Bambi like fole trot around its just too cute.
Thank you for the early training we much appreciate the effort 👌 
We feel we have been so blessed and fortunate to have the opportunity to grow with our latest family addition ”AXSEL”
D.A. Ashmore QLD
'Axsel' (Tornado) Bobtail Dobermann pup.

D.A. Ashmore QLD

Hey Bert,
We’re considering the brother puppy to Axsel…
Thanks again 😊 
Axsel is pure unbridled joy !!!
D.A. Ashmore QLD
'Axsel' (Tornado) Bobtail Dobermann pup.

K.I. Junee NSW

Yeah I was always looking at doing the training school to get that extra help… after the second vaccination the vet said to have the third done so just waiting for that…

She is learning really well, have had a few people including the ones I live with have said how smart she is and how quick she has been learning

Hi Bert

When working around town, tend to come back home a few times throughout the day and spend time with her before going back to work, one of the people I live with is who I work for/with and his wife. Arya does want to play and comes across as happy to see me when I come home by noticing when the car turns up and then waiting and comes over…

Arya does follow me around and does whine a little bit when I leave the room and she can’t come and doesn’t whine for others but is generally curious about what everyone is doing which I think is a typical puppy thing, curiosity.

Hi Bert
How is everything?…

Ok, so a bit over a week. Arya Has no problem going in and out of her crate. Only whines a little bit after closing the door and walking away. She is nearly sleeping through the night, I am not sure if that is too soon or not. First few days she was playful. Although Arya does prefer to play and pounce around with one of the other house mates over me. I try to play but it doesn’t last long and eventually she just wants to climb in my lap.

Though playful for the first week, like had energy and that, the last couple days Arya had seemed a little off or tired and was happy to just lay around and sleep. Then bounced back yesterday like didn’t want to listen just play. I don’t know if that is a normal thing.

While typing this Arya was chewing on one of her toys next to me and now is curled up in my lap going back to sleep…

I hope all this makes sense haha, but that’s a brief overview of the first week and a bit. The housemates have said that she is one of the most well behaved puppy they have come across, although at times can be frustrating. I’m sure more frustrating or challenging days are to come.

Hi Bert

First off, I would like to thank you. The pup is gorgeous…
Also decided to stick with Arya (pronunciation might be different but it will take me too long to choose a name otherwise haha)
I picked her up from the dogmovers at 7pm, got her home, she is safe just getting used to everything, smelling everything and very curious,
have given her some food and access to water, have had a bit of play and just chewing on a few different toys,
just about getting ready for bed, she is whining a little with bed time, I am guessing that is normal,
She seems to have gotten used to the crate quite quickly, just sat with her infront of it, Have a blanket with mine and her smell on it from the car trip home.
Haven’t gone to the toilet yet, when I took her outside a couple times all she wanted to do was play. Been nearly 3 hrs now since I have received her, don’t know how long they can go between toilet breaks but I’m sure I will find out.
Has seemed to settled in quite nicely, she is sleeping now as I am writing to you

Hi Bert

Thank you
She is absolute gorgeous

K.I. Junee NSW
'Arya' Bobtail Dobermann from Darkashadows Dobermann

S.P. Ninderry QLD.

Hi bert

Yep he definitely is starting to come out of his shell a little more now he’s slowly settling in.

Hi Bert

Like wise meeting yourself and partner. We love him and had a rather enjoyable and drama free ride home. Will be sure to send you up dates and ask any questions or concerns. First night so hopefully he transitions as smooth as possible. He seems to be happy and playful as well as eating and drinking which is a good sign he’s not too anxious.

Cheers and thanks again – we love him !

Hi Bert

Not a problem and thank you for your advice and will definitely take into consideration the above. It makes sense to get them comfortable just around the house and rules etc before trying to introduce them into a training environment with other dogs.

Thank you for your advice, appreciate it.

He’s exactly what we were looking for and if he grows up anything like his beautiful mother he’s gonna be a strapping young boy!

Good evening Bert

Aww that’s amazing – he’s adorable and absolutely happy to proceed with this Little Rock star joining our house hold. Looks like Mummah is doing well and she is also a beautiful doggo !…

Thanks for the update and the photos – he’s a stud !


S.P. Ninderry QLD.
'Axel' Darkashadows Dobermann pup

J.N. Broadbeach Gold Coast QLD

Thank you so much for everything I want to still see what I can do from here. You are a great man of knowledge and had helped me alot and when I am ready if not through max will be getting from you. Thank you for being so professional and quick in response. We will talk

Hi Bert thanks again, I looked over your website and see you have been a breeder for many years. He looks fit and healthy and I’m glad hs tests are the same. I’m sure you have a great nature of dogs your home with sounds like a great place to.

J.N. Broadbeach Gold Coast QLD

M.S. Sydney NSW

Thanks for your understanding and professionalism Bert.
Really appreciate it.

Hi Bert !!
What a beautiful girl she is !! We are very excited.
My wife brought home all the pictures you sent, printed on colour A3 sheets, and the kids have been discussing her integration into our family all evening 😂

We would love to proceed with the adoption. Thanks,

M.S. Sydney NSW

S.K. Gold Coast QLD

Hi Bert,
Was great meeting you guys and thanks again.
We had a pretty good trip back…she was fine and just slept. We got home and she was good the cat and Coco are just staying away from each other. The cat came had a look and has stayed away…She was great in the crate she didn’t cry at all. This morning she’s crying a bit but she’s getting a lot of attention from everyone

S.K. Gold Coast QLD
'Coco' Bobtail Dobermann Girl, Darkashadows Bobtail Dobermanns

M.K. Loganholme QLD



Merry Christmas and happy new year from us too!! ❤️

Hi Guys,
Good to hear from you guys!! I was only thinking about you this week and thinking I should send an update picture…

Heidi is doing well and growing like a weed. She loves playing ball and especially loves seeing her friends at the dog park. I have attached some recent pics for you to see how big she is getting.

So 2nd shots done today and passed health check with flying colors… she has definitely grown.
The pup I took to the vet is not the one I see at home!! 🤣🤣 She was calm and well behaved so at first I wasn’t sure who’s pup I took 😂
Thanks so much for Heidi!! She is brilliant!!
This was from the car trip home. Not great but funny none the less.

Hi Guys,
Had a lady named A***** take an interest in Heidi today as they are looking for a pup in the near future and they like her.
I referred her to you guys and gave you and Heidi a good write up so she may contact you. She has had 5 Dobermans and has one that is 2 years old and they are looking for a friend for that one.

Maybe Heidi needs her own Facebook page 🤣🤣

Good luck!

J*** thought she was a good looking pup. The breeder he always used apparently said she could tell straight away but John doesn’t agree. He said pups grew and changed. He adores Heidi and thinks she is a beautiful looking pup and will be a good looking adult… Otherwise she has the ‘cat’ paw shape she should have. He is even liking her tail now. When she stays with J*** when I’m at work, I regularly come home to find out what new ‘treats’ she has. Last week it was a teaspoon of ice cream!!🤣 When I left him at lunch time he was making toasted cheese sandwiches for him and Rufus for lunch. There will be no hope for Heidi!!
He temperament is beautiful, which after having an aggressive dog to others, if wonderful to me. J*** thinks she is a quick learner. He was horrified that she went on a play date the other day and her best buddy at it was a 12week old Chihuahua!! I tried her on a shorter leash the other day and still no success. She feels it is her job to lead me!! I’m guessing puppy school will sort that.
Today on our walk, the neighbor was out and she came straight back to me and made sure to stand between me and them and guard me very carefully. Once her shots are done i will take her out more but she seems to have good instincts in that regard… Stay well!

Hi Guys,
Hope you are all well?…
All is well here. Heidi is growing like a weed and can’t wait to start puppy school in the next couple of weeks.
I can’t believe it has been 2 weeks since she joined our family. It feels like she has always been here.

She was very excited to get a new toy, as you will see below. She likes to lay and suck on it. This seems to be a Doberman thing as J***’s have always done so.

Hi Guys,
Well we are now also in contact with Heidi’s brother Apollo, who is on the Gold Coast. This will be one hell of a play date when it happens!!
I met the presidents Doberman from you guys. He actually rescued her as her original owners gave her up. She had a heap of behavioral issues that they must not have done anything about because now she is amazing!! She is absolutely stunning!! I will see if I can get a photo of her one day if he doesn’t mind, and send it to you. Her name is Lexie and she might be 1-2 years of age possibly.
Heidi is doing well but I think puppy school will be a welcome relief for her as she just wants another dog to play with.
Below is a photo from yesterday of her. She is growing quickly.

Hi guys,
In this small world I was contacted by Heidi’s sister, Zelda. Well by her new mum obviously 🤣. Anyway she is in Brisbane too and we will meet for play dates down the line.
Also the puppy class she will go to, the president of the club has 2 Dobermans and one of his is from you. How funny 😄

Just thought I would let you know that J*** said he has never seen such and advanced Doberman for her age!! 🤣🤣

Hi Guys,
Just thought I would let you know that day 1 has gone really well.
She is eating, drinking water and being an absolute Doberman nut with her running around.
We had one small accident inside at the beginning but since then she happily goes outside to the toilet. During the night she would wake me by putting her paw on my arm and giving a little whine. I took her out and she peed and then went back to sleep.
She seems to have taken to the name Heidi and she is coming when I call her. She likes to keep me in her sights but had such a big run this morning that she has finally fallen asleep on the bathroom mat. She had spent 30 minutes trying to convince me that I should have a lay down too but I was cleaning 🤣.
Thank you for my girl. She is very sweet and well behaved.
I will keep you updated on her progress if you like.

We are having our afternoon nap after such a big morning 😁

M.K. Loganholme QLD
'Heidi' Bobtail Dobermann Girl from Darkashadows Bobtail Dobermanns